Fully Funded MOPGA Visiting Fellowship in France 2024

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The Fully Funded MOPGA Visiting Fellowship in France is open to all except French citizens. Launched in 2018, the Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) initiative has met with worldwide enthusiasm, generating expressions of interest from many highly qualified students and researchers.  

This seventh Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) call for applications is intended to welcome at least 40 early career researchers wishing to conduct their research in France. The program is funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, and implemented by Campus France. 

The MOPGA 2024 Visiting Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers will support researchers working on topics listed in the “Research Themes” section.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded MOPGA Visiting Fellowship in France are:

1. Monthly allowance of 2,500 euros

2. Moving allowance of 500 euros

3. Support for social security coverage

4. Support for health insurance


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded MOPGA Visiting Fellowship in France are stated below:

1. Having a doctoral degree for less than five years  

2. Being exclusive of foreign nationality

3. Not have resided in France after September 1st, 2022 (for more than 90 days)



Five broad research themes are eligible:

1. Earth systems

2. Climate change and sustainability

3. Energy transition

4. Societal challenges of environmental issues

5. Human, animal, and ecosystem health as part of a “One Health” approach.

A research stay convention with the host institution will be established between the institutions and the laureates. It will detail the means made available by the laboratory so the researcher can carry out the research project.

Research Project
Research Project Title

Keywords (6)

Abstract of the Research Project (2,000 char. max.)

Context and Motivation (2,000 char. max.)

Scientific Objectives (2,000 char. max.)

Methodology and Timeline (4,500 char. max.)

Project position about the MOPGA scientific domain (2,000 char. max.)

Collaborations and/or impacts on the research project proposal for the candidate’s country of residence (2,000 characters max.)

Required Documents

  1. CV including the list of your publications in English (4 pages max)
  2. PhD Diploma (or certificate of PhD diploma)
  3. CV of your research supervisor in the French host institution (2 pages max)
  4. Letter of support from the French host institution
  5. Letters of recommendation (3 max)
  6. Passport or proof of ID
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