Work Experience Bursary for International Students at University of Birmingham in UK

Published: 4 years ago Total 981 views


The University of Birmingham is welcoming outstanding students from all over the world for Work Experience Bursary in the United Kingdom.

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The Work Experience Bursary provides you with a bursary of up to £800 for all undergraduates to undertake work experience in the UK, overseas or for research-related experiences. In additional it also provides all the following study expenses: Accommodation costs Travel expenses Living costs and utilities bills Insurance Visa costs


Eligible Countries for Work Experience Bursary: Applications are open to EU, Overseas (Non-EU), UK students.

Acceptable Course or Subjects: Undergraduate degree in Arts and Law, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Social Sciences

Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: Open to all full-time undergraduate students from the University of Birmingham (this includes international students) Not open to all year postgraduates and students from other universities Not open to University of Birmingham students studying for one year only as part of an exchange or Erasmus programme

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