Fully Funded School of Engineering Scholarships at University of Birmingham in UK 2024-25

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University of Birmingham

Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston , Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom
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The Fully Funded School of Engineering Scholarships at University of Birmingham is open to all nationals. It is offered for PhD degrees in the fields of Civil Engineering, Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. There is no deadline for this scholarship. It is always open. It is provided by the University of Birmingham.

With so many options for globally renowned research, the School of Engineering at the University of Birmingham allows you to collaborate with internationally renowned scholars and join a vibrant postgraduate community. The institution offers many financial possibilities to the top candidates each year

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The benefits of the Fully Funded School of Engineering Scholarships at University of Birmingham are:

  • Home students can receive full financing (fees and maintenance) for a three-year PhD if they have an undergraduate degree of 2:1 or better.
  • Scholarships for three years that cover tuition and maintenance are available to students from the EU.
  • International students may also be eligible for a small number of school grants, which help with tuition.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded School of Engineering Scholarships at University of Birmingham are stated below:

  • Applicants can be of any nationality
  • Applicants must demonstrate academic ability.
  • Applicants must do the research in one of the following subjects:
    • Civil Engineering,
    • Electronic,
    • Electrical and Systems Engineering,
    • Mechanical Engineering 
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