Luther College academic programs for International Students

Published: 4 years ago Total 1048 views


Earning a college degree leads to the ability to choose career paths. Examining this importance of the study, Luther College is implementing the AcademicScholarships for talented applicants in the US.

The main object of the program is to support international students starting undergraduate degree coursework at the college.

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Each successful scholar will receive the amount ranges from $10,000 to $24,000 for their study expense


  • Eligible Countries: Claimants from around the world
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Undergraduate degree coursework in any subject stream offered by the college
  • Eligibility Criteria: For being eligible, you have to enroll in the bachelor’s degree program at the college


Claimants have to demonstrate their English language proficiency by providing TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo English test scores.

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