Fully Funded Lewis Fellowship at Harvard Law School in USA 2025-26

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The Fully Funded Lewis Fellowship at Harvard Law School in USA is open to all nationals. It offers an exceptional opportunity for individuals with a strong passion and intellectual expertise in the field of law. The 2025-2026 Lewis Fellowship is open to law graduates without any age, nationality, racial, gender, religious, or other discriminatory restrictions. Reginald F. Lewis Fellowship for Law Teaching, by Harvard School, spans one year and equips you with advanced legal methodologies and strategies, empowering you for a successful journey in your legal profession. The fully funded Harvard Law School Lewis Fellowship is an amazing opportunity for international law students to study for free in the USA. Make sure you read till the end and apply for this Harvard Fellowship. 

The Harvard Law School Fellowship in USA provides support to recent law graduates who show a keen interest in legal scholarship and are preparing for a future career in law education. The Reginald F. Lewis fellowship in the USA will commence on 1 July 2025 and end on 30 June 2026. The Harvard Law Fellowship places a strong emphasis on nurturing prospective law educators who will contribute to the diversification of the legal profession. As part of their responsibilities, the Lewis fellow must produce at least one significant article for potential publication. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to audit courses and participate in workshops offered by the law school. The fellow will collaborate with the Lewis Committee to establish a mutually agreeable schedule for research and work. Hence, it is one of the top law fellowships. 

Moreover, the Harvard Law Fellowship in USA pays an annual stipend of $60,000 to all its Lewis fellows. The Harvard Law School Lewis Fellowship Program gives participants the opportunity to reside at Harvard Law School during the duration of this USA fellowship. This unique arrangement of the Harvard fellowship provides firsthand exposure to real-world legal practices, enabling participants to learn how to address industry issues through peaceful and reconciliatory means, thereby avoiding the escalation of disputes between involved parties.

The Harvard Law School Lewis Fellowship for Law Teaching is generously funded by Reginald F. Lewis, an alumnus of Harvard Law School (Class of 1968), and his spouse, Loida Nicolas-Lewis. Mr. Lewis, before his passing in 1993, made a substantial contribution, which was the largest grant ever received by the Law School at that time. In recognition of his remarkable generosity, Harvard Law School’s International Law Center was renamed in his honor.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded Lewis Fellowship at Harvard Law School in USA are:

  • Each fellow will receive an annual stipend of $60,000, hence providing crucial financial support.
  • Accommodation within the Harvard Law School premises will ensure a convenient and accessible living arrangement.
  • Fellows will gain exposure to real-world legal challenges, enabling them to develop practical insights into the field.
  • The USA fellowship program offers firsthand experience with legal proceedings in action, deepening participants’ practical knowledge.
  • Fellows will have the opportunity to refine and strengthen their communication skills in the language of law, a valuable asset for their legal careers.
  • The fully funded law fellowship is an international networking opportunity. 
  • Fellows also gain access to Harvard Law School’s extensive resources, including libraries, research facilities, and academic networks.
  • Similarly, receiving the Reginald F. Lewis Fellowship is an achievement that carries prestige and recognition, enhancing fellows’ credibility and career prospects.
  • It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study in the USA for free and explore American culture. 
  • Through this Harvard law fellowship in the USA, fellows will get an opportunity to connect with law professionals and mentors. 


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded Lewis Fellowship at Harvard Law School in USA are stated below:

  • This law fellowship by Harvard is open to individuals who have recently graduated from law school, providing them with an opportunity to begin a promising career path.
  • The Harvard fellowship in the USA welcomes applications from candidates of any nationality, promoting diversity and international collaboration.
  • The selection process adheres to a strict policy of non-discrimination, ensuring that there is no bias based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic.
  • Harvard Law Lewis Fellowship is particularly for applicants with a basic qualification such as J.D., LL.M or S.J.D. degree.
  • Similarly, applicants should possess a strong passion for pursuing a career as a legal scholar or law teacher, demonstrating their commitment to advancing legal education.
  • Applicants must have a keen interest and dedication to the field of law, reflecting the candidate’s genuine enthusiasm for legal scholarship and teaching.
  • Moreover, applicants who want to peruse a career in law must apply for this Harvard fellowship for law students. 


Requirements for Lewis Fellowship

  • A detailed CV or Resume
  • A thorough description of the research and writing project, with the aim of eventual publication during the Fellowship. (4 pages maximum)
  • A Statement of Purpose (4 pages maximum)
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Recommendation Letters (2)
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