Fully Funded Australia Awards Fellowships and Short Courses 2024

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The Fully Funded Australia Awards Fellowships and Short Courses is open for Africa & Other Developing Regions. It aims to build networks of influence and leadership by strengthening partnerships between Australian and regional partner organizations. Fellowships target senior and mid-career officials and professionals who are in a position to advance development outcomes in priority areas and increase the institutional capacity of partner countries through their leadership. 

 Australian organizations can apply for funding through these fellowships to host and support professional development activities, including work attachment, supervised research, a management or leadership course, a study tour, program meetings, and visits, or a combination. Fellowships can vary in length, ranging from 2 weeks to 52 weeks. A strong feature of a Fellowship is its flexibility. They range from specialist training of Timorese doctors in the endoscopy departments at two leading Australian hospitals to training government officers from Vietnam on coastal and marine conservation and sustainability.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded Australia Awards Fellowships and Short Courses are:

1. Return air travel and relevant in-Australia travel

2. Training costs

3. Accommodation and living expenses

4. Medical insurance costs when in Australia (for Fellowship holders only)

5. Special assistance for people with disability

6. Program overhead fee.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded Australia Awards Fellowships and Short Courses are stated below:

1. Be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of commencing the Fellowship

2. Not be a permanent resident or be applying for permanent residency in Australia or partner of someone who is

3. Be a citizen of an eligible country

4. Not be currently serving military personnel

5. Be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department of Home Affairs for (DFAT sponsored) student visas subclass 500

6. Be able to participate in the Fellowship.

7. Be able to travel without family members as DFAT will only fund and provide visa support letters for individual Fellows, not their family members

8. Fellows with a disability that requires assistance must travel with a carer



Priority Areas

Fellowship programs must align with the following six development priority areas:

1. Climate change, adaptation, resilience and green energy transition

2. Gender equality, disability equity, and social inclusion

3. Health

4. Digital Economy (including cyber, critical technology, and media engagement)

5. Maritime and the Blue Economy

6. Infrastructure and connectivity

How to Apply

Applications for ROUND 19 are now open and must be submitted ONLINE via Smartygrants.

PLEASE NOTE: You have until 11:59 pm (AEDT), 7 November 2023, to submit your online application.

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted for assessment.

Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted for assessment.

May 02, 2024
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