Bonn International Fellowships in Germany 2024-25

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University of Bonn

Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, Bonn, Bonn, 53113 , Germany
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The Bonn International Fellowships in Germany is open to all nationals. The Bonn International Fellowships invite excellent researchers from all disciplines to the University of Bonn for short stays (up to 12 days). Researchers from any field can apply.

The University of Bonn is a public research university located in Bonn, Germany. It is one of Germany’s oldest and most renowned universities. The Idea of the Bonn International Fellowships is to involve the fellows in Bonn’s academic life as much as possible and open Future collaboration projects between applicants and fellows.

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The Bonn International Fellows will receive:

  • A Travel Allowance
  • An Allowance of €160 per day (up to 12 days, including the day of arrival and departure)
  • Material expenses for events (up to €500 per proposal)

Personal and Professional Benefits

  • Fellows will have an opportunity to carry out research in any field at one of the top universities in Germany.
  • A diverse range of learning opportunities.
  • Make networks with other fellows and mentors.
  • Exposure to new ideas, approaches, and methodologies.
  • Future Collaboration is an opportunity to visit Germany again.


  • The fellowship is open to Post-doctoral scholars and experienced faculty who teach or do research at a university or research institute.
  • They must have a strong international reputation in their field of research.
  • Researchers must be invited by a host from the University of Bonn.


How to Apply for University of Bonn International Fellowships?

Visit the official website and click on the Apply Now Button. Start filling out the application form, upload the documents, and submit it.

It is recommended that all required documents be gathered before starting. Because you can not save the application, carefully check all information before applying.

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