Strathclyde Business School MSc International Master Project Management Early Bird Scholarships in UK

Published: 3 years ago Total 644 views
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University of Strathclyde

16 Richmond St, Glasgow, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, United Kingdom
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The Strathclyde Business School is pleased to announce the MSc International Master Project Management Early Bird Scholarships for international applicants. The scholars will be awarded with an amount of €1,000.

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         Eligible Countries: All nationalities Eligible Course or Subjects: MSc International Master Project in the Accounting and Finance, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Human resource management, Marketing, Business, Strategy and organisation, Management, Management Science, Finance, Data analytics Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the given criteria: Candidates must be self-funded (ie: not in receipt of any funding from any other scholarships, employer sponsorship etc with the exception of International Master Project Management Deans Excellence Scholarships) Students already hold an offer of a place on the MSc International Master Project Management for September 2021 entry.

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