Strathclyde Business School Full Time MBA Deans Excellence Scholarship in UK 2024-25

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University of Strathclyde

16 Richmond St, Glasgow, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, United Kingdom
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The Strathclyde Business School Full Time MBA Deans Excellence Scholarship is open to all nationals. It is offered for an MBA degree in the field of Business Administration, Hospitality & Tourism. The deadline for sending an application is 31 Aug 2024. This scholarship is provided by the University of Strathclyde.

Scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis from mid-January 2024 onwards and the final deadline for consideration will be 31st August 2024.

The Deans Excellence Awards will be awarded to candidates who demonstrate in their Scholarship application, MBA program application, and interview; exceptional professional/managerial/leadership experience and career development, excellent academic performance, and who will significantly contribute to the overall academic, cultural and experiential profile of the program cohort.

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The award covers 50% of the full time MBA tuition fees. 


  • To be eligible for admission to the Full-time MBA program starting in September 2024, applicants must have an offer of a spot. Only those candidates who have completed a successful interview process will get awards.
  • Outstanding candidates willing to serve as ambassadors for the Strathclyde FT MBA are asked to apply for MBA scholarships. Who can best illustrate, both during the interview and in their scholarship and program application, how they would help foster community in the classroom by working as a team to achieve the best possible learning (and social) experience for the class?
  • The whole caliber of the program application, capability for leadership and management, and financial necessity will all be taken into account.
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