Spring Japan Culture Camp for International Students in Osaka, Japan

Published: 1 year ago Total 956 views


To increase international students’ understanding of Osaka in Japan, the AYFN Academy and local organizations offer a valuable Spring Japan Culture Camp program in Japan.

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Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for the opportunity. Acceptable Course or Subjects: The Spring Japan Culture camp offers a scholarship program. Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: Must be 15 – 35 Years old All nationalities are welcomed Commit to joining the full program Able to adapt to new environments easily Good writing skills Good public speaking skills Familiar with social media (Instagram, TikTok) Must have min two of these social media accounts (Instagram or Facebook or Tik Tok or YouTube channel) Willing to write and post your activities involvement while joining the camp. Have a good leadership skill Able to communicate in English Health, physically and mentally
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