NEH Hagley Postdoctoral Fellowship for US and Foreign Nationals in USA

Published: 4 years ago Total 852 views


The NEH-Hagley Fellowship for highly talented prospective students to pursue postdoctoral degree programme in the USA. Two postdoctoral fellowships are available, one of four months and one for eight months.

Located on 235 acres along the banks of the Brandywine in Wilmington, Delaware, Hagley is the site of the gunpowder works founded by E. I. du Pont in 1802. This example of early American industry includes restored mills, a workers’ community, and the ancestral home and gardens of the du Pont family. Hagley’s library furthers the study of business and technology in America. The collections include individuals’ papers and companies’ records ranging from eighteenth-century merchants to modern telecommunications and illustrate the impact of the business system on society.

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A monthly stipend of $5000 and complimentary lodging in housing on Hagley’s property.


  • Eligible Countries: The US, as well as foreign nationals, are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
  • Entrance Requirements: The NEH-Hagley Fellowship on Business, Culture, and Society supports residencies in Hagley’s Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society by scholars who have received their doctoral degrees by the application deadline. In accordance with NEH requirements, thesel fellowships are restricted to United States citizens or to foreign nationals who have been living in the United States for at least three years. These fellowships are made possible by support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

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