Scholarship Summary

Scholarship Description

International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in the US, 2020 is open for Developing Countries. The scholarship allows Post Doctorate level program(s) in the field of Mathematics taught at the International Mathematical Union. The deadline of the scholarship is August 31, 2019 

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Scholarship Benefits

Up to $4,400 (Travel + Living allowances)

Scholarship Eligibility

Eligible Nationalities: Students from Developing Countries are eligible to apply.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must

 1.   hold at the time of application a PhD in Mathematics,

 2.   be based in a developing country at the time of application

 3.   hold a position in a university/ research institution

 4.   be in the early stages of their professional careers, more precisely: the applicants  should

 4. 1) not yet be of full professorial rank but have a working contract in a university/ college

 4. 2) be under 40 years of age on the day of the application deadline.


The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.

Your application can only be considered if all necessary documents have reached us by the deadline.

Mathematicians from Africa should also consider applying to the IMU Simons African Fellowship Program which has the same conditions and approx.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • When is the deadline of International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020?

    The deadline of International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 is 31 August 2019.

  • For which degree is International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 offered for?

    International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 is offered to Post Doc degree.

  • For which field is International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 offered for?

    International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 is offered for

  • Who can apply for International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020?

    International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 is open for: All

  • Who is offering International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020?

    The International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 is offered by: International Mathematical Union

  • What is the funding covered in International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020?

    The International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 covers Partial Scholarships

  • Where can International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 be taken at?

    The International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program in US, 2020 can be taken at: United States of America