Fully Funded ETH Master’s Scholarship in Switzerland 2024-25

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Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Main building, Rämistrasse 101, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland
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The Fully Funded ETH Master’s Scholarship in Switzerland is open to Africans. Mechatronics encompasses a range of technologies that empower a variety of daily life applications ranging from automation of household equipment through to “smart” manufacturing, self-driving cars, surgical robots and robotic space exploration. Delivered at Ashesi University by faculty from Ashesi and ETH Zurich, this Master’s Programme equips students with specialist competences and wide range of skills to pursue a career in this dynamic field. The programme was developed and is implemented as a partnership between the two universities and our seven industry partners.

The curriculum integrates knowledge of core areas in automation and production engineering with mathematics, physics, and numerical methods to develop a better understanding of mechatronics applications in a wide range of industry sectors. Selected modules from humanities, social and political sciences, economics and management will also help deepen student understanding of the broad interdependencies between engineering and their social context.

Ashesi University and ETH Zurich in Switzerland, together with industry partners, are developing a Master’s programme in engineering that will be taught in Ghana by faculty of both universities. Once all aspects are approved, and the programme is started, graduating students will receive both a Master of Science degree in Engineering from Ashesi and a Master of Advanced Studies degree from ETH Zurich.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded ETH Master’s Scholarship in Switzerland are:

  • Tuition and other academic fees
  • Laptop and equipment
  • Accommodation
  • Health insurance
  • One trip home per year
  • Monthly stipend
  • Job offer after graduation

Students will also undergo an onboarding period with their scholarship provider before starting the academic programme. Their mentorship and industrial internship will also take place with the scholarship provider.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded ETH Master’s Scholarship in Switzerland are stated below:

1. If you have the talent and drive, we want you to apply for an Ashesi education irrespective of your financial circumstances.

2. One to Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and other Sub-Saharan Africa. 

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