University of Aberdeen Global Scholarships in Scotland 2024-25

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University of Aberdeen

King's College, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX, United Kingdom
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The University of Aberdeen Global Scholarships in Scotland is open to Africans. The University of Aberdeen is delighted to offer the Aberdeen Global Scholarship to international students starting in September 2024, or January 2025. This is an £8,000 tuition fee discount open to eligible self-funded taught Masters students who are classed as international fee status and domiciled in one of the countries listed below. The scholarship is not available to students studying PGDE degrees.

These scholarships are open to students registering for a full-time on-campus programme, who don’t receive an externally funded scholarship from elsewhere, or any other University of Aberdeen scholarships (excluding awards made by the University of Aberdeen Development Trust).

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This £8,000 scholarship towards your tuition fee is available to eligible self-funded post graduate taught (PGT) students who are classed as international fee status and domiciled in any of the countries on the African continent.


  • Have been given a conditional or unconditional offer of admissions for an eligible Masters programme (postgraduate taught programme) at the University of Aberdeen.
  • Be planning on beginning your studies in Sept 2024 or Jan 2025.
  • Be classed as overseas for tuition fee purposes.
  • Be a full-time international student.
  • Be based on the Aberdeen campus for the course of study.
  • You cannot be an Aberdeen Alumni as you would then be entitled to the Aberdeen Alumni discount
  • You cannot be coming via a University partnership, as it is likely a different financial arrangement would be in place.
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