R.D. Wright Prize at University of Melbourne in Australia 2024-25

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University of Melbourne

Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria, VIC 3052, Australia
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The R.D. Wright Prize at University of Melbourne in Australia is open to all nationals. It is offered for a Bachelor's degree in the fields offered by the university. The deadline for sending an application varies. This scholarship is provided by the University of Melbourne.

The R.D. Wright Prize was established by the Heads of the Department of Physiology, the Department of Surgery in the Austin and Repatriation General Hospitals, The Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine, and the Royal Children's Hospital. The prize memorializes Professor Roy Douglas Wright, a long-standing member of staff who transformed the Faculty and significantly contributed to tertiary education. He also served as Chancellor of the University from 1980-1989.

One prize is to be awarded annually to the student enrolled in the course for the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree with the highest aggregate mark in second and third-year physiology subjects.

One or more additional prizes may be awarded annually to the best student or students in undergraduate physiology subjects for other courses for university degrees.

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The successful candidates are granted the awards based on the following quotas:

  • Category 1 - $1,000,
  • Category 2 - $1,000,
  • Category 3 - $1,000,
  • Category 4 - $1,000, 
  • Category 5 - $2,000


  • Applicants may come from any nationality.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Biomedicine program at the university.
  • Applicants must be enrolled at an undergraduate level and in the final year of the program.
  • The applicant must be a top student in PHYS20008 (second-year BSc; prior year).
  • The applicant must be a top student in BIOM20002 (second-year BBiomed; prior year).
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