Postdoctoral Fellowships at British Academy in UK 2024-25

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The British Academy

10-11 Carlton House Terrace, St. James's, London, SW1Y 5AH, United Kingdom
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The Postdoctoral Fellowships at British Academy in UK is open to all nationals. It is offered for a Post Doc degree in the field of Humanities or Social Sciences. The deadline for sending an application is 02 Oct 2024. This scholarship is provided by the British Academy. 

The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship provides exceptional early career scholars with the chance to enhance their research and teaching skills within a scholarly setting. This program is designed to improve the recipient's resume and increase their chances of securing a tenure-track faculty position.

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Selected candidates are awarded a sum that covers 80% of salary costs, both directly allocated and indirectly through FEC.


  • Applicants must be doing their research in humanities and social sciences.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in eligible institutions in the UK.
  • Applicants who are British citizens and EEA nationals have the benefit of obtaining a doctorate from any university.
  • Applicants belonging to other nations must obtain a doctorate from a university in the UK.
  • Applicants applying within three years from the date of their successful viva voce examination are only eligible.
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