Pears-Britten Award in Singing at University of Auckland in New Zealand 2024-25

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University of Auckland

34 Princes Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
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The Pears-Britten Award in Singing at University of Auckland in New Zealand is open to all nationals. It is offered for a Bachelor's degree in the field of Music. The deadline for sending an application varies. This scholarship is provided by the University of Auckland.

Pears-Britten Award to assist a student enrolling full-time in the first year of a BMus Creative Practice: Classical program in singing. 

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One award will be made annually and will be of the value of NZD 2,000.


The Award is tenable by students who have qualified by audition to enroll full-time in a Bachelor of Music (BMus) or BMus conjoint degree in Creative Practice: Classical in the School of Music at the University of Auckland, for which the subject of performance is singing.

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