Owen Browning Scholarship in Forestry at University of Canterbury in New Zealand 2025

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University of Canterbury

20 Kirkwood Avenue, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch , 8041, New Zealand
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The Owen Browning Scholarship in Forestry at University of Canterbury in New Zealand is open to all nationals. It is offered for Master's and PhD degrees in the field of Environmental or Forestry Engineering. The deadline for sending an application is 01 Nov 2024. This scholarship is provided by the University of Canterbury.

A scholarship or scholarships shall be available as funds permit to promote postgraduate studies in the School of Forestry. The funds may be used to support, in any one year, one or two scholars.

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Students will receive NZD 4,500 per annum.


  • The scholarships shall be open to students who have been admitted or who are eligible for admission to postgraduate studies in Forestry at the University of Canterbury.
  • The scholarships shall be awarded by the University Council on the recommendation of the Academic Board.
  • The scholarships may be held with any other bursary, scholarship, prize, or fellowship unless the conditions of the other award preclude it, provided that the Council, in determining the amount of the award, may take into account the number and nature of any other awards held by the applicant.
  • In any case, a scholarship may be extended for a further year, on the recommendation of the Academic Board.
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