Linde / MDSI Master’s Scholarship at Technical University of Munich in Germany 2024-25

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Technical University of Munich

Arcisstraße 21, München, München, 80333 , Germany
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The Linde / MDSI Master’s Scholarship at Technical University of Munich is open to all nationals. It is offered for Master's degrees in the fields of Data Engineering and Analytics, Mathematics in Data Science. The deadline for sending an application is 01 Sep 2024. This scholarship is provided by the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

With the Linde / MDSI Master Scholarship at the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI), Linde and MDSI support particularly committed and talented students of the master’s programs “Data Engineering and Analytics” as well as “Mathematics in Data Science.”

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The Linde / MDSI Master Scholarship amounts to €1,000 per month and is granted for a maximum of twelve months.


  • Applicants may hold a German as well as a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in the master's programs in Data Engineering and Analytics or Mathematics in Data Science.
  • Applicants must exhibit outstanding academics and commitment.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in the master's program since the summer semester of 2024 or earlier.
  • Applicants from earlier calls are not eligible.
  • Applicants who are female students are given first consideration.


Application Process

  • All eligible candidates must apply online to be considered for the scholarship.
  • The candidates must include relevant documents and certificates in one PDF file and send the document to [email protected].
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