Fully Funded University Of Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies Scholarships

Published: 11 months ago Total 1043 views


The Fully Funded University Of Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies Scholarships accepts applications from British, Asians, and Africans from the Muslim community who want to pursue a master's degree. The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is a Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. It was established in 1985 to encourage the scholarly study of Islam and the Islamic world. The Centre provides a meeting point for the Western and Islamic worlds of learning. At Oxford, it contributes to the multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study of the Islamic world. Beyond Oxford, its role is strengthened by an international network of academic contacts. Please refer to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies scholarships website for more information.

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The Fully Funded University Of Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies Scholarships will provide100% of course fees and a grant for living costs (at least £15,285)


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded University Of Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies Scholarships are stated below:

1. You must be applying to start a new full-time master’s or DPhil course at Oxford.

2. You must be either:

a) ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom and from a Muslim community (with preference given to those from a financially disadvantaged household) or

b) a national of, and ordinarily resident in, one of the following countries in Asia and Africa

3. You should intend to return to your country of ordinary residence once your course is completed.

4. Scholarships will be awarded based on academic merit.

5. You should intend to study in a field derived from or of relevance to the Islamic tradition, which is of relevance and/or benefit to the Muslim world.

6. This scholarship is not open to applications from candidates who hold deferred offers to start in 2021-22.


How to Apply

To be considered for this scholarship, you must complete the following steps:

1. tick the box for the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarship in the University of Oxford Scholarships section of the University’s graduate application form;

2. submit your application for graduate study by the relevant December/January deadline. See the relevant course page for the deadline applicable to your course and

3. complete an Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships Supporting Statement (see related documents on this page) and upload it with your graduate application form by the deadline.

We will use the details you supply on the graduate application form to assess your nationality and country of ordinary residence. For a definition of ordinary residency and further details on how to complete this section of the graduate application form, please see the ‘Nationality and ordinary residence’ section of the graduate application form and the advice contained in the Application Guide.


To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, applicants must be successful in being offered a place on their course after consideration of applications received by the relevant December/January deadline. Course applications which are held over after the December/January deadline to be re-evaluated against applications received by the March deadline, or course applications which have been put on a waiting list, are not eligible for scholarship consideration.

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