Fully Funded Sciences Po Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program in France

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03 December 2024
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The Fully Funded Sciences Po Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program in France is open for Africans. It aims to support 120 talented African students through their studies and offer the next generation of leaders a world-class social science education so they can become changemakers in their home countries. 

Scholarships for the 2024/2025 academic year are awarded in collaboration with a network of partner institutions authorized to nominate candidates. 

Sciences Po is the first continental European university to join the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. Within this international network, 27 prestigious institutions in Africa, America, and Europe are committed to ensuring that all young people, whatever their background, have the same opportunities to get a quality education and fulfill their potential.

The Mastercard Foundation works to provide access to inclusive and quality education to young people in Sub-Saharan Africa and to enable as many of them as possible to secure dignified and fulfilling employment.

As part of an ambitious new strategy (Young Africa Works), the Foundation aims to enable 30 million young people in Africa to enter employment and entrepreneurship by 2030. It is to play a central role in this strategy through university partnerships that give young African people access to a top education.

Theses scholarships are designed for students who demonstrate academic excellence and strong leadership potential but who face difficulties or do not have the funds to access higher education. They are particularly aimed at students who aspire to make a real and lasting impact in tackling some of the continent's foremost issues, particularly in public policy and major political, environmental, and societal transitions.

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program has three major strategic objectives: providing specialized support for students, developing their soft skills outside the student experience, and building a strong alumni network.
Since 2017, Sciences Po has been part of the four European universities (the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh) in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. Since then, the partnership has enabled 138 students from Sub-Saharan Africa to enroll in a degree program in the social sciences at Sciences Po, intending to train a new generation of change-makers in their home countries.

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The Fully Funded Sciences Po Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program in France covers the full tuition fees at Sciences Po and living costs in France during the study.

As well as funding their studies, Sciences Po will offer scholars a specific suite of resources to ensure they have appropriate academic support and to facilitate their transition from education to employment.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded Sciences Po Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program in France are stated below:

1. Students from sub-Saharan African countries

2. Student holding an outstanding academic record

3. Should have strong leadership potential

4. Who faces financial and other barriers to higher education


More information on the application and selection process and dates:

- Applications for Master’s scholarships

- Applications for Summer School scholarships

May 02, 2024
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