Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship for EU & Non-EU Students in Ireland

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15 August 2020
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Take the first step towards your higher education goals with the Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship program. The Trinity College Dublin is offering this opportunity for the EU and Non-EU postgraduate students who want to study in Ireland.

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Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship recipients will get various benefits as per as their policy.


To be eligible for Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: 

Eligible Countries: EU and Non-EU Acceptable

Course or Subjects: Master’s degree program in many subject areas.

Applicants must hold and have officially accepted an Unconditional Offer of a place on one of these programmes The holder must engage in full-time or part-time study and must register for the PME or MEd in the academic year 2020/21. The holder must not be a simultaneous holder of other similar awards. Failure to register for a programme in Trinity in September 2020 will result in the award being allocated to the next highest-ranked applicant.


Selection Criteria

Criteria for evaluating applications for the studentships include: proven academic merit of the candidate and/or their relevant life/work experience and potential within the field of education and/or a related discipline. Other circumstantial factors may be taken into account at the discretion of the Committee. Applications will be reviewed by the School of Education Scholarship Committee and all decisions are final.



This studentship is open to EU and Non-EU postgraduate students undertaking studies on the PME or MEd programmes in 2020/21. It is offered subject to the following conditions:

1. The holder must engage in full-time or part-time study and must register for the PME or MEd in the academic year 2020/21.

2. The holder must not be a simultaneous holder of other similar awards.

3. Failure to register for a programme in Trinity in September 2020 will result in the award being allocated to the next highest-ranked applicant.

May 06, 2024
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