China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD Scholarship Scheme at University of Hull in UK, 2020

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University of Hull

Cottingham Road, Hull, Hull, HU6 7RU, United Kingdom
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The University of Hull and China Scholarship Council (CSC) are offering full tuition fee programme to selected students via the CSC PhD programme. 

The study program is open to outstanding Chinese applicants in specific subject areas only. The aim of the studentship is to provide 100% of tuition fees during the PhD study for outstanding candidates.

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Full tuition fees


  • Eligible Countries: Applicants of China can apply for the opportunity .
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: The PhD support will be awarded in the subject of Accounting and Finance, Biological Science, Music, Law, Business Logistics and Supply, Chemistry,Management,Computer Science,   Medical Science, Education, Music,Engineering, Nanotechnology,Geography, Environment and Earth Science,Physics and Mathematics,Health Studies , Psychology,Humanities,Social Sciences,Languages and Literature, Sport and Exercise Science,
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet have a masters degree from a recognized university.


Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency requirements of the host institution.

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