ANU Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology Scholarship, Australia

Feature image for ANU Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology Scholarship, Australia


15 August 2019
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Australian and international students have a golden opportunity to apply for the Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology Scholarship funded by the Australian National University.

The program is open for the high achieving candidates who want to pursue a full-time masters degree program in Applied Epidemiology at the university.

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The successful scholar will receive the amount worth up to $50,000 per annum.


Eligible Countries: Australian and international students are eligible to apply.

Eligible Course or Subjects: Grants are available to study the master’s degree program in the field of Applied Epidemiology.

Eligibility Criteria: Applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria: The applicant must be enrolling in the full-time program of study for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology at the Australian National University.


To be considered for this award, the applicant must have to take admission in a masters degree program at ANU. After taking admission candidates will be automatically considered for the grants.

Supporting Documents: Applicant must have to attach the copy of passport/ID, copies of transcripts/diplomas, statement of purpose/letter of motivation, letter of recommendation and CV.

Admission Requirements: For admission in a masters degree program, applicants need to hold the complete bachelor degree or other qualification accepted by ANU.

Language Requirement: All applicants, whether domestic or international, must provide evidence that their English language ability meets the minimum requirements for admission.

May 04, 2024
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