International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities

  • Assis Chateaubriand SRTVS QD Building. 701, Lot 1, Conjunto L, Asa Sul. Brasília-DF, 70.340-906, Brazil
  • Total Scholarships – 1

About International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities

The International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote higher education, academic collaboration, and mobility. The GCUB was founded in 2008 in Brasília, Brazil, and is made up of university directors who are interested in internationalizing their institutions. The GCUB works with international organizations, foreign universities, and government bodies to develop academic, scientific, and cultural relations between its member institutions. The GCUB offers a variety of academic and professional opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also aims to foster global citizenship.