Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020
- 4 years ago
Institute of hydraulic structure, Zhejiang University (China) is offering the doctoral and postdoctoral positions in the field of hydraulic and civil engineering in China.
Zhejiang University is an elite C9 League university located in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province. Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University is one of China’s oldest, most selective, and most prestigious institutions of higher education.
1. Scholarship Type A (Full scholarship): Tuition waiver, Free accommodation on campus, Stipend, and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China
2. Scholarship Type B (partial award): Free accommodation on campus, Stipend, and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China
1) Costs of the laboratory experiments or internships that beyond the university’s arrangements should be self-afforded.
2) Monthly living allowance is granted to the students at the following rates (CNY per month): Doctoral degree students: CNY 2,000, and Master’s degree students: CNY 1,700
Applicants will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to work there.
The deadline of Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020 is 31 March 2020.
Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020 is offered for Subject Offered by University
Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020 is open for: All
The Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020 is offered by: Zhejiang University
The Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020 covers Fully Funded Scholarships Partial Scholarships
The Zhejiang University Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in China, 2020 can be taken at: China