Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship at University of Waikato in New Zealand 2025

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The Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship at University of Waikato in New Zealand is open to all nationals. These scholarships are available for undergraduate and master’s degrees. The pursuit of higher education often transcends geographical boundaries, inviting students worldwide to embark on transformative academic journeys. At the University of Waikato, this global vision is further exemplified through the Vice Chancellor’s International Excellence Scholarship—an esteemed opportunity designed to empower and support new international students aspiring to pursue face-to-face studies in 2024.

The Vice Chancellor’s International Excellence Scholarship at the University of Waikato embodies the institution’s unwavering dedication to fostering a community of diverse, talented, and ambitious individuals. It stands as a beacon of support for new international students eager to immerse themselves in face-to-face studies, empowering them to embark on a transformative educational voyage that transcends boundaries and unlocks a world of possibilities.

For those passionate about pursuing higher education in an environment that celebrates diversity, encourages excellence, and fosters growth, the University of Waikato and its Vice Chancellor’s International Excellence Scholarship pave the way for a promising and enriching academic expedition.

The University of Waikato stands as a distinguished institution committed to academic excellence, research innovation, cultural diversity, and societal impact. Its dedication to providing a world-class education while fostering an inclusive and supportive environment positions it as a leading center of learning, preparing students to become future leaders and contributing positively to the global community.

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1) Undergraduate students will receive between $2,500 and $15,000 as follows:

  • a) One year tenure: between $2,500 and $8,000 applied to tuition fees in the first year.
  • b) Two years’tenure: between $2,500 and $12,000, with no more than $8,000 in the first year of study and no more than $4,000 in the second Last updated 4 Aug 2023 year of study.
  • c) Three years tenure: between $2,500 and $15,000, with no more than $8,000 in their first year of study, and no more than $4,000 in year two, and no more than $3,000 in year three of study

2) Postgraduate students 

  • Will receive between $2,500 and $15,000 which will be applied to one or more years of the recipient’s postgraduate study.


  • Be applying to enroll full-time in an undergraduate or postgraduate program, as a new international student to the University of Waikato;
  • Have received a conditional or unconditional offer of place from the University  of Waikato (including a pathway offer for a degree packaged with the Certificate of Attainment in English Language; the Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies; Certificate of University Preparation; International Diploma (Business); International Diploma (Computer Science) or Diploma of Postgraduate Preparation (Pre-Masters) at the University of Waikato;
  • Have a minimum GPA equivalency of B+ in the qualification used to gain entrance to the University of Waikato;
  • Not currently be enrolled at the University of Waikato in any undergraduate or postgraduate program and not have paid fees at the time of application;
  • Not be coming to the University of Waikato via a sponsoring body; Not be coming to the University of Waikato on a Guaranteed Credit Arrangement, or through a study abroad or student exchange agreement.  


How to Apply for University of Waikato Scholarships?

Please follow the following application instructions for University of Waikato Scholarships:

If you are new to the University of Waikato you will need to:

  • Complete an Application to Enroll before you can have access to apply for Scholarships and Awards (This application is not a commitment to study here at the University of Waikato and can be withdrawn or updated at any time).

If you are a current student or already have a Waikato account you will be redirected to the MyWaikato screen:

  • Create an account and Log in to MyWaikato
  • Click on the ‘Scholarships’ tab and select the scholarship you wish to apply for from the list of scholarships at the bottom of the page.
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