UNIL Masters Scholarship in Switzerland 2025

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University of Lausanne

Quartier Centre, Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015 , Switzerland
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The UNIL Masters Scholarship in Switzerland is open to all nationals. This Master’s scholarship is awarded to outstanding students who have graduated from a foreign university with exceptional academic achievements. UNIL offers about ten scholarships each year.

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The scholarship covers the standard duration of the chosen master’s program, providing CHF 1,600 per month from 15 September to 15 July (10 months per year) for the full length of the master’s degree (either one and a half or two years, depending on the program.


  • To obtain a foreign university degree that is considered equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor's degree before the beginning of the master’s program at UNIL.
  • To have distinguished yourself during your studies, especially through particularly brilliant academic results.
  • To have a language level of at least C1 (according to the European Language Portfolio global scale) in French or at least C1 in English.
  • Not to be a student of UNIL.
  • To have paid the CHF 200.00 Administrative fees (see document, “list of documents for an application”).
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