Swansea University Postgraduate Research Excellence Scholarships in UK 2024-25

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Swansea University

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The Swansea University Postgraduate Research Excellence Scholarships in UK are open to all nationals. It is a competitively awarded scholarship scheme open to overseas PhD and Professional Doctorate applicants who are eligible for the international rate of tuition fees and can demonstrate excellence in academic achievement

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  • The scholarship covers the difference between the international and the home tuition fee rate for the duration of the PhD/Professional Doctorate programme.
  • Successful candidates will be charged fees aligned to the UK rate per year. This is currently £4,786 for 2024/25, increasing annually in line with UKRI (United Kingdom Research and Innovation) regulations, usually at a rate of 3% per year.  
  • The scholarship is offset against your tuition fees, and the scholarship value will be deducted from your tuition fees.
  • Applicants must confirm that they have sufficient funds to cover the remaining fees for the whole period of registration, as well as to cover their living costs. 


To apply for this scholarship, applicants must:

Please note that these are minimum entry requirements; excellence must be demonstrated beyond academic qualifications as part of your application for your chosen course.

  • The scheme is not available to current PhD/Professional Doctorate students (including returning or transfer students)
  • The scheme is not open for master’s level courses
  • Candidates who are fully sponsored by a third party are not entitled to receive a SUIPRES scholarship


How to Apply

To apply for a this scholarship, you will need to:

  • Apply for an eligible PhD or Professional Doctorate programme
  • Within your application, please indicate that you would like to be considered for a SUIPRES scholarship.
  • To demonstrate excellence, please outline in your supporting statement your academic track record, as well as other activities that may be relevant (prizes awarded, outreach activities, teaching experience, etc.). 
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