SUTD PhD President’s Graduate Fellowship in Singapore 2024-25

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The SUTD PhD President’s Graduate Fellowship in Singapore is open to all nationals. It is offered for a PhD degree in the fields offered by the university. The deadline for sending an application varies. This scholarship is provided by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

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  • SGD 3,600 for International students.
  • SGD 4,100 for permanent residents of Singapore.
  • SGD 4,500 for Singapore citizens.


  • The fellowship is intended for applicants who possess excellent academic merit.
  • The company seeks candidates who are passionate and dedicated to research.
  • Applicants are required to hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent.
  • Candidates are required to be fluent in English.


Documents Required:

  • Original Undergraduate and Master's degree transcripts and certificate soft copies
  • English proficiency test scores
  • Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) score report
  • Three recommendation letters
  • A soft copy of their ID card and relevant passport pages
  • A statement of objectives in about 3000 words
  • Any additional relevant supporting documents can also be submitted.
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