SeniorCare Aging Matters Scholarship Award 2024

Published: 2 months ago Total 413 views


The SeniorCare Aging Matters Scholarship Award is open to all nationals. is dedicated to helping seniors and their families in their quest for a better life. Aging impacts everyone, and as the aging population explodes over the next 30 years, wants to bring more awareness to the key issues we face. We will be awarding an annual college scholarship to an individual who best demonstrates why "Aging Matters" to them.

The scholarship will be given annually to a selected college student who currently cares for an aging loved one, works within the senior community, or intends to pursue a career that will impact the elderly population. Any existing student (or incoming freshman) in good academic standing at a 2 or 4-year accredited college can apply for this scholarship. The recipient will demonstrate a unique and admirable understanding and desire to show us that "Aging Matters" to them.

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The SeniorCare Aging Matters Scholarship Award will provide  $1500 to be applied towards tuition, books, board, and other expenses.


The eligibility criteria for the SeniorCare Aging Matters Scholarship Award are stated below:

  • An existing college student or incoming freshman (to be enrolled in the Fall of 2024 in good academic standing)
  • Attending any 2-year or 4-year accredited college or university as a full-time student
  • Complete and submit the application form.
  • Judging will be based on the submission quality of the application, which will include a short, 1000-word or less essay on why Aging Matters to the applicant.
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