Rothamsted Research International Fellowship in UK

Published: 4 years ago Total 589 views


Awards help to lessen the impact of rising tuition costs. Keeping this in mind, Rothamsted Research is providing the International Fellowship.

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The scholarship will provide the following: Supervision and training at Rothamsted Research Funds for Research costs related to their project Access to world-class research facilities and scientific support Funds for accommodation and subsistence Funds for travel between the home country and the UK


   Eligible Countries: Middle or low income country Eligible Course or Subjects: Fellowship in agricultural, biological, environmental, mathematical or computational sciences. Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the given criteria: Candidate must be a citizen or be based exclusively in a low- to middle- income country. It is essential that the Candidate returns to employment in their home country where the experience gained through the RI Fellowship can be applied Applications are submitted by the UK supervisor but must be of relevance to research in the candidate’s home country. It is therefore essential that the candidate makes contact with the UK supervisor and helps to co-develop the research proposal.  How to Apply
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