Rhodes Global Fully Funded Scholarships at Oxford University in UK 2019

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Oxford University

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The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest (first awarded in 1902) and perhaps most prestigious international scholarship program, enabling outstanding young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

A class of 100 Scholars is selected each year from over 60 countries around the world. A Rhodes Scholarship covers all University and College fees, a personal stipend and one economy class airfare to Oxford at the start of the Scholarship, as well as an economy flight back to the student’s home country at the conclusion of the Scholarship.

Rhodes Global Scholarship is looking for outstanding young leaders who are motivated to engage with global challenges and to promote international understanding and peace.

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Rhodes Global Scholarships provide the recipient with:

  • All University and College fees;
  • The University application fee;
  • A living stipend (£15,144 per annum);
  • One economy class airfare to Oxford at the start of the scholarship and one economy flight back to the student’s home country at the conclusion of the scholarship.
  • The tenure of the Scholarship is two years, subject always to satisfactory academic performance and personal conduct. Subject to an application process, the Scholarship may be extended for a third year for those who take a recognized route to the DPhil (PhD).


To qualify for Rhodes Global Scholarships, the candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Citizenship and residency: Each applicant must fulfill the citizenship and residency requirements of the Rhodes constituency for which they are applying.
  • Age: Age limits vary between constituencies and range from a minimum age limit of 18 to a maximum of 28 by October 1st of the year following selection. In most constituencies, the age limit is 24 or 25. Please check carefully the specific age requirements for your constituency before applying.  Successful candidates will arrive at Oxford the October following the selection process.  The Scholarship may not normally be deferred.
  • Education: All applicants must have achieved the completion of an honors bachelor’s degree by the October following the election. As well, academic standing must be sufficiently high to ensure admission to the University of Oxford, which has very competitive entry requirements. In Canada, a GPA of minimum 3.75/4.0, or equivalent, is expected.


  • English Language proficiency (where English is not the first language)
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