Fully Funded WIMM Prize Studentships at University of Oxford in UK 2025

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Oxford University

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The Fully Funded WIMM Prize Studentships at University of Oxford in UK are open to all nationals. It is offered for PhD degree in the field of Medical sciences. The deadline for sending an application is 03 Dec 2024. This scholarship is provided by the University of Oxford.

The MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (WIMM) stands as a globally esteemed institution dedicated to elucidating the mechanisms underlying diseases and leveraging these insights to enhance human health. For individuals aspiring to contribute to the WIMM, the Institute provides a variety of four-year Prize Studentships to distinguished students from any country.

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WIMM Prize Studentships cover University and College fees and a stipend of the current UKRI rate plus £2,500 per annum.


  • Applicants can be of any nationality.
  • Applicants must hold a first-class or strong upper-second-class undergraduate degree with honors in a biomedical or science subject relevant to the project they are undertaking.
  • Applicants must have research experience in a biomedical or scientific field.
  • Applicants displaying evidence of a prior interest in the specific area of research proposed are highly preferred. 
  • Applicants must be familiar with the recently published work of their proposed supervisor.
  • Applicants must enroll in a DPhil in Medical Sciences at the university.
  • Applicants are strongly advised to contact their potential supervisor in advance.


Application Process:

Eligible candidates must apply online for the studentship. The application should include the following documents:

  • Program description,
  • Proposed Field and Title of Research,
  • Supervisor:  List up to 3 supervisors from DPhil Research Opportunities,
  • CV,
  • Statement of purpose. 
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