RGS-IBG Postgraduate Research Awards in UK

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The RGS-IBG Postgraduate Research Awards are open to all nationals. It is offered for PhD degree in the field of Physical Environment, Conservation and Sustainability, Society and Economy. The deadline for sending an application is 23 Nov 2024. This scholarship is provided by Royal Geographical Society. 

The RGS-IBG Postgraduate Research Awards were established in 2008 to support PhD students undertaking research and fieldwork. Applicants must be registered at a UK Higher Education Institution. Preference is given to students who do not receive full funding from a research council, university or comparable levels of support from other sources for fieldwork and data collection.

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The successful applicants will receive an award of up to GBP 2,500 to support their fieldwork and data-collecting operations.


  • Applicants can be of any nationality.
  • Applicants should be engaged in geographical data collection in the UK or overseas.
  • Applicants must currently be enrolled for a Ph.D. at a UK Higher Education institution.
  • Applicants who have not received this support before will be given preference.
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