LLM: University of Lagos Law School Scholarship in UK 2024-25

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University of East Anglia

Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom
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The LLM: University of Lagos Law School Scholarship in UK is open to all nationals except UK citizens. It is offered for a Master's degree in the field of law-related subjects. The deadline for sending an application varies. This scholarship is provided by the University of East Anglia.

In recognition of the developing relationship between the UEA Law School and UNILAG School of Law, UEA Law School will consider offering 2 x 50% tuition fee Scholarships to UNILAG Law Student(s) who are currently studying at or have recently graduated from UNILAG Law School, at the discretion of UEA Law School. Following a selection process to be conducted by the same.

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Students will receive GBP 9,250.


  • The applicant should be a Graduate from UNILAG
  • This scholarship is open to international students
  • It is not possible to combine this scholarship with the UNILAG or any other UEA scholarship.
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