Leiden University Walraven Master Awards in Netherlands, 2020

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Leiden University is pleased to offer Walraven Master Awards for international students. The bursaries are intended for students who have a bachelor’s degree in astronomy or physics and wish to obtain their master’s (MSc) degree in Astronomy and Instrumentation at Leiden University.

The aim of The grant is to enable and encourage talented students to reach international programs

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The Walraven scholarship is for one year, with conditional renewal for a second year upon successful completion of the first year. For a fully-funded position, the tuition fee for the Astronomy Research master’s program will be reduced to the amount of the home fee and you will receive an allowance of up to €11,000 per year for living costs. partial awards may also be awarded. The Walraven scholarship is paid as a monthly allowance. If you stop your Astronomy master’s studies for whatever reason, the Walraven scholarship payments will be stopped directly.


Eligible Countries: International (Non-Dutch) applicants can apply for the opportunity .

Entrance Requirements:

  • You must be a student with a non-Dutch nationality
  • You must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in astronomy or physics
  • Your previous study results should be of outstanding academic merit
  • You have no other financial support (e.g. scholarships, grants) for your master’s study


Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction of the host university.

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