King’s College London International Hardship Fund in UK 2018/19

Published: 4 years ago Total 924 views


King’s College London is offering International Hardship Fund 2018-19 for the eligible students. The program is open to supports the students from around the world who are experiencing financial difficulties and wish to continue their studies in the UK.

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Variable – Depend on the student’s need.

Available Subjects: The scholarship is available to pursue an undergraduate degree program in any subject offered by the university.


Eligible Nationalities: EU and international students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria: The applicant must be able to demonstrate that unforeseen financial difficulties have occurred after you started your course with adequate funds arranged to cover tuition fees and living costs for the entire duration of the course.​

For international students, the UKVI has indicated that students will need about £1,265 for their living costs for each month of their program of study, plus the costs of tuition fees. The above amount is solely an indication, as living costs will vary depending on individual circumstances. The unforeseen change in circumstances must have impacted your ability to access these funds.


  • To be considered for the scholarship, the applicants must have applied for the admission at the university. Then they can apply for the scholarship through the given link
  • The applicant must need to provide all supporting documentation such as to evidence the financial provision and change in circumstances. All supporting documents must be legible: Scanned/electronic copies, preferably saved in a PDF format entitled in the following format: SURNAME, Name – document title (e.g. SMITH, John – March bank statement) and email your documents to [email protected] and include your King’s Student ID (as on your ID card, not your K Number) in the email text.
  • For admission at the university, all students must have the A-levels in General Studies. Applicants can apply for the admission through the university website.
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