International Undergraduate GPA Based Scholarship at Youngstown State University USA

Published: 4 years ago Total 1091 views


Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. Examining this importance of the study, the Youngstown State University is providing the International Undergraduate GPA Based funding for talented students in the US.

The award is accessible for international students who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree program at the university.

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The award will be distributed in the following manner:

  • $1,000 International Access Award (For GPA 3.0-3.33 equivalent)
  • $4,000 International Achievement Award (For GPA 3.34-3.69 equivalent)
  • $7,000 International Scholar Award (For 3.7 and above the equivalent)


  • Eligible Countries: Overseas students are worthy
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Bachelors degree program in any subject stream
  • Eligibility Criteria: Students have to take admission in the undergraduate degree coursework at the university.


You must be able to demonstrate the English language requirements of the university

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