International Student Retention Scholarship at Portland State University in USA 2024-25

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Portland State University

1825 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon, 97201, United States of America
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The International Student Retention Scholarship at Portland State University in USA is open to all nationals. Portland State University (PSU) welcomes students from other countries to pursue higher education in Oregon. The presence of international students on our campus and in our city provides students and Portland residents with valuable exposure to the world’s cultural diversity. The International Student Retention Scholarship (ISRS), made possible through funding from the State of Oregon, offers partial tuition scholarships each year to a number of deserving students from countries throughout the world. 

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The International Student Retention Scholarship offers a partial tuition scholarship to winners equal to $1,500 every term, or the full cost of tuition, whichever is lower. Only the fall, winter, and spring terms are eligible for the scholarship, which can be given out for a maximum of six terms in a row. By providing substantial financial assistance, tuition costs can be greatly decreased, freeing up students to concentrate on their academic and career objectives.


  • Undergraduate Students: Must have at least sophomore standing, completed at least three terms at PSU, and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75.
  • Undergraduate Transfer Students: Must have at least sophomore standing, completed at least one term at PSU, and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75.
  • Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Students: Must have completed at least one term at PSU and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Co-enrolled Students: Those co-enrolled at another USCIS-approved institution are also eligible.
  • Applicants must have clearly defined degree goals and demonstrate satisfactory progress toward their degree.
  • Exclusions: U.S. citizens, resident aliens, individuals eligible for U.S. Federal Financial Aid, those paying in-state tuition, recipients of other fee remission awards, and those with Employment Authorization Documents (except through Economic Hardship) are not eligible.


How To Apply For The International Student Retention Scholarship:

Applications are submitted through WorldLink ( The application process involves several steps:

  1. Online Application Form as per this call letter
  2. Essay: Submit a maximum two-page double-spaced essay covering:
    • Personal background.
    • Academic and professional goals and how a degree from PSU will help achieve them.
    • Financial support statement, including your family’s yearly income and financial need circumstances.
  3. Letters of Recommendation: Provide two letters or forms of recommendation from instructors or academic advisors.
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