Global Sporting Excellence Scholarship at University of Western Australia, 2020

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University of Western Australia

35 Stirling Terrace, Crawley, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
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The Global Sporting Excellence Scholarship is now accepting applications from talented student-athletes for the Global Sporting Excellence Scholarship to accomplish their degree in Australia.

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In addition to the above criteria for Global Sporting Excellence Scholarship, the eligible applicant judged to be the highest rated student-athlete, coach or official (according to UWA Sport criteria) among the candidate pool will be awarded the maximum scholarship value of $15,000 per year.


Eligible Countries for Global Sporting Excellence Scholarship: Applications are open to students from across the globe Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded for undergraduate and postgraduate in any subject offered by the university. Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: You must have received an offer for an undergraduate or postgraduate course at The University of Western Australia. You must have applied to commence an eligible course. You must be competing at an elite level in your chosen sport (international or national). Sports eligibility Athletes are required to register and play for the UWA-affiliated sporting club of the student’s chosen field in which the scholarship was awarded and on the proviso that the UWA club competes in the highest available domestic league. Coaches are required to register and coach within the UWA-affiliated sporting club of the student’s chosen field in which the scholarship was awarded. Sports officials are required to register and officiate within the WA state sporting league of the student’s chosen field. Be available, where practicable, to represent/coach/officiate for the University in university national and international events. Meet tier 3 or above of UWA Student-Athlete Program (SADP) classification— National underage team member. For example Youth Olympic team member; WA Institute of Sport (WAIS) (or equivalent institute) squad member/scholarship holder; National League team player/professional club player squad member, for example, West Coast Fever player; World University Championships or World University Games team member; or Be an accredited and qualified coach or sports official to a national program/league/institute level or higher, for example – youth national team coach, state or national institute coach, national league/championship official/coach. Undergraduate Eligibility To be eligible to be considered for the scholarship, a candidate must be applying for an eligible undergraduate bachelor degree or Direct Pathway course. The following exclusions apply: Juris Doctor Master of Pharmacy Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Dental Medicine Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Postgraduate Eligibility To be eligible to be considered for the scholarship, a candidate must be applying for an eligible postgraduate degree (by coursework or coursework and dissertation). The following exclusions apply: Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Neuropsychology Graduate Certificate in Fieldwork Practice Juris Doctor Master of Pharmacy Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology Graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Psychology Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis Graduate Certificate in the Diagnosis and Assessment of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology Master of Clinical Audiology Doctor of Podiatric Surgery Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Dental Medicine

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