Georg Forster Research Award in Germany 2024-25

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Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation

Jean-Paul-Straße 12, 12. Bonn, Berlin, 53173, Germany
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The Georg Forster Research Award in Germany is open now. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, through the Humboldt Foundation, is offering six Georg Forster Research Awards for students from developing countries. Women researchers are encouraged to apply.

The Georg Forster Research Award is granted in recognition of a researcher’s entire achievements to date to academics of all disciplines whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond and who are expected to continue developing research-based solutions to the specific challenges facing transition and developing countries.

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The award amount totals €60,000. In Germany, research awards are generally exempt from income tax under German tax law.


  • Nominees must be nationals of a developing or transition country (excluding People’s Republic of China and India; cf. detailed list of countries).
  • Furthermore, at the time of nomination, they must have had their main residence and place of work in one of these countries for at least five years.
  • The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of qualified female researchers.
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