Fully Funded University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Scholarship

Published: 7 months ago Total 1103 views


The Fully Funded University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Scholarship is accepting applications from both domestic and international students who want to conduct postgraduate research in arts and social sciences. 

The University of Sydney, often referred to simply as Sydney University or USyd, is one of Australia’s most prestigious and oldest higher education institutions. Established in 1850, it has a rich history of academic excellence and a global reputation for research and education.

During their time at the University of Sydney, students acquire valuable transferable study skills that prepare them to adapt to and effectively navigate the diverse challenges they will encounter throughout their careers.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Scholarship are:

1. stipend allowance of $37,207 per annum for up to 3.5 years

2. Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF) for up to 14 research periods

3. Single Overseas Health Cover (OSHC) for up to 55 months

If the student is enrolled part-time and approved to hold the scholarship part-time, they will receive the stipend allowance at 50% of the full-time rate and the other scholarship benefits for the equivalent full-time duration.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Scholarship are stated below:

1. Eligible Countries: All international students are eligible to apply. 

2. Eligible Course or Subjects: Students can apply for a postgraduate research degree at the University of Sydney.

3. Be an international student

4. Have applied for admission into a PhD in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Part-time applicants will need to demonstrate extenuating circumstances as to why they are unable to enroll full-time

5. Hold either an honors degree (first class or second class/division 1), a master’s degree with a significant research component or demonstrate appropriate professional experience and alternative qualifications in the field of study

6. Be willing to undertake research in one of the following research projects:

Sexuality Studies and LGBTQ+ Inclusive Education

Macroeconomic Implications of Microeconomic Decisions and Beliefs

The Poetics of Social Change in Late Antiquity (250-750 AD)

Digital innovations to push journalism boundaries: Bhutan as a case study

Sydney Games and Play Lab

Queer TV and Media

Understanding Early Medieval Friendship

Culturally Responsive Assessments in Education.


How to Apply:

1. Students can submit their admission applications by logging in to the university portal at the University of Sydney. After that, applicants must submit an online application form for this award.

2. Supporting Documents: Submit a personal statement on the following:

3. Demonstrated academic achievement,

4. Demonstrated research experience,

5. Curriculum vitae,

6. Area of study and/or research proposal,

7. Feedback from two academic referees,

8. A personal statement that outlines interest in this area of research and details relevant academic and/or professional experience that is relevant to the research project,

9. Good proficiency in the Indonesian language (minimum requirement of intermediate-level reading and speaking skills)

10. Admission Requirements: Applicants must fulfill the entry requirements of the university.

11. Language Requirement: If English is not your first language, you must provide proof of your English proficiency before you can commence your studies at the University.

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