Fully Funded University of Oxford Scholarship in UK 2024-25

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The Fully Funded University of Oxford Scholarship in UK is for African students. This scholarship is offered for MBA studies at the University of Oxford. This scholarship covers full MBA course fees, living expenses stipend, and one return airfare.

Funded by the international integrated energy company Eni. In line with its mission, inspired by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Eni contributes to the SDGs targets through strategic cooperations focused on areas of common interest such as youth employment, agriculture value chains, and renewable energy and energy efficiency, particularly in Africa. This year Eni offers two fully funded scholarships for two outstanding graduates willing to study for their MBA in Oxford.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded University of Oxford Scholarship in UK are:

1. The full MBA course fees.

2. Living expenses stipend.

3. One return airfare.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded University of Oxford Scholarship in UK are:

1. Required Language: English. You will need to prove your English language capability. click here to know more about the tests and scores.

2. Eligible Countries: Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rep. of Congo, South Africa, and Tunisia

3. You should have at least two years of full-time work experience, detailed on a one page CV. They look for evidence of career progression and international exposure, as well as being able to show leadership potential. they do not look for experience in a specific sector.

4. A high level of quantitative and analytical skills is evidenced by your GMAT or GRE results. click here to know more about details and score.


Please follow the following application instructions to apply for Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship:

  1. You will be asked to detail your post-MBA career plans and demonstrate how the program will equip you with the skills to reach these goals. By indicating a clear view of your professional development, you will show us that you understand the strengths of your professional experience, have researched your future professional goals, and how an MBA will bridge the gap between the two, upload all your university degree academic transcripts/mark-sheets to the online application form.
  2. As part of your application, you will need to submit a supporting statement
    • Tell them something that is not covered in your application that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you. (Maximum 250 words).
    • If you are applying under the Oxford 1+1 MBA scheme you also need to submit the following essay:
      Explain why you see this as particularly beneficial for you and how it fits with your career and personal development aims. (Maximum 250 words).
    • Re-applicants will need to submit an additional essay as below:
      What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA? (Maximum 250 words).
      When reviewing your essays, the admissions committee will be looking for evidence of the following: good communication skills, leadership potential, analytical skills, and fit with the Oxford MBA community, among other characteristics.
  3. You will need to complete five questions via our online assessment platform. To virtually meet you, get a sense of your personality, and see how you think on your feet, you will need to complete an online assessment as part of your application:
    • Two motivation-based questions – all candidates will answer the same questions
    • Two competency-based questions – these will be randomized
    • Written response – this will be randomized and light-hearted to show us how you can think on your feet!
  4. Using the online application form you will need to submit two references, preferably from professional referees. Once your referee details are input into the form, your referee will receive an automatic email from the School with details on how to complete the online reference form.
    Please note they can only accept references from a valid work/professional/institutional email address and not from Gmail/Hotmail accounts.
  5. After ensuring you have all the above requirements before submitting your application form, use the online application to apply
  6. Please ensure your application is complete and that your £150 application fee has been paid upon submission.
  7. Once you have submitted your MBA application, they will use the details you have provided to determine your eligibility for this scholarship. You do not need to undertake any additional actions.
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