Fully Funded University of Memphis Scholarship in Australia 2024-25

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The Fully Funded University of Memphis Scholarship in Australia is available for international students. This scholarship is offered for undergraduate and master's studies. The scholarship amounts vary and cover the difference in the cost of international and domestic non-Tennessee resident tuition rates.

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The Fully Funded University of Memphis Scholarship in Australia provides the recipient with amounts that vary and cover the difference in cost of international and domestic non-Tennessee resident tuition rates. This scholarship cannot be combined with other UofM institutional scholarships. Exceptions are allowed for departmental funding.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded University of Memphis Scholarship in Australia are stated below:

  • Required Language: English.
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries.

For undergraduate scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

1) 25 ACT or 1200 SAT equivalent

2) 3.25 U.S.A. equivalent undergraduate degree GPA as determined by a credential evaluation agency (www.naces.org)

For graduate scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:


1) 310 GRE or equivalent on other tests

2) 3.25 U.S.A. equivalent undergraduate degree GPA as determined by a credential evaluation agency (www.naces.org) or relevant master's degree from an accredited and approved institution


Please follow the following application instructions to apply for this scholarship.

(1) Click here to apply for admission to an undergraduate degree and master’s degree at the university.

(2) Upload the following documents.

a) Pre-qualification degree

b) Copies of academic transcripts and award

c) Certificates of English language proficiency

d) Personal statement/statement of purpose

e) A copy of my passport.

May 03, 2024
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