Fully Funded Hatfield Lioness Scholarship in UK 2024

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31 March 2024
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The Fully Funded Hatfield Lioness Scholarship in UK is open for international students at Durham University. This scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses in Geneva. Full scholarships are only for citizens of non-western countries.

Hatfield College aims to award the Lioness Scholarship to an individual who has the academic and personal qualities to enable them to complete and benefit from a postgraduate course, and who will also act as a positive ambassador for their home country in Durham and put their enhanced knowledge and skills gained from the master’s program and experience in Durham to good use for the benefit of their society when they return home.

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The benefits of the Fully Funded Hatfield Lioness Scholarship in UK are: 

1. Stipend for living expenses – 12 monthly payments.

2. Full payment of University tuition fees.

3. “Settling in allowance” on arrival.

4. Fully funded, self-catered, mixed accommodation at Hatfield College.

5. One return economy air ticket from the home country to the UK, and the cost of return travel between the UK airport and Durham City.

6. Cost of UK visa and the UK Health surcharge.


1. Accommodation is for the Scholarship holder only; dependents cannot be accommodated.

2. The Scholarship does not provide funding for dependents, nor for travel during the Scholarship.


The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded Hatfield Lioness Scholarship in UK are stated below:

1. Required Language: English

2. Eligible Countries: All world countries.

3. Applicants must not be in receipt of any other scholarship to fund their postgraduate studies.

4. Applicants must have applied for and been offered an unconditional place in their chosen master’s program by the end of June 2024.

5. Hold a relevant honors degree of sufficient standard to be admitted to your chosen Master’s course.

6. Not hold a Master’s degree.

7. Have all other course entry requirements including the relevant English language qualification.

8. Not otherwise have the financial means to study for a Master’s degree in the UK.


How to Apply?

Please follow the following instructions to avail Hatfield Lioness Scholarship:

(1) Apply for your chosen master’s program:

a) Submit an academic application for your chosen master’s program; within this application, you should reference your intention to apply for the Hatfield Lioness Scholarship and pay the application fee if required.

b) Upload the following documents:

i) English Language Proficiency Evidence.

ii) CV.

iii) Education and Qualifications.

iv) Personal Statement.

v) Two academic references.

vi) Funding.

vii) Passport information.

viii) Research Proposal.

ix) Supporting Documentation.

(2) Apply for the scholarship:

a) Submit an application for the Scholarship on this Application form.

b) Upload the following documents:

i) Transcript(s).

ii) An English Language Certificate.

iii) Reference Letters.

(3) Candidates will hear the outcome of their application in Mid-July 2024.


(4) For more information about How to Apply here.

May 03, 2024
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