Fully Funded Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Published: 4 years ago Total 2572 views


Gates Cambridge Scholarship is offered for Masters, PhD degree in the field of Subjects offered by University of Cambridge. The deadline for the sending your application is Deadline varies. This scholarship is provided by Gates Cambridge and the value of this scholarship is Full Funding, Covers the full cost of studying + discretionary funding . This scholarship is open for: Open to citizens of any country outside the UK.

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Gates Cambridge Scholarship Benefits:

Value of this scholarship is Full Funding, Covers the full cost of studying + discretionary funding . This scholarship is open for: Open to citizens of any country outside the UK.


Gates Cambridge Scholarship Eligibility:

  • The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is open to citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.
  • Scholarships are available for a postgraduate degree in any subject at Cambridge. 
  • Applicants of Gates Cambridge Scholarship are selected based on their academic excellence.
  • Applicants with an excellent leadership potential will be considered.
  • He/She must be committed to improving the lives of others.
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