Executive MBA Director's Awards at Oxford University in UK 2024-25

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Oxford University

Wellington Square, Oxford, Oxford, OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
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The Executive MBA Director's Awards at Oxford University in UK is open to all nationals. It is offered for MBA degree in the field of Business Administration. The deadline for sending an application is 09 Sep 2024. This scholarship is provided by Oxford University. 

MBA Director’s Awards enable the enhanced diversity of each EMBA cohort.

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Students will receive a range of partial awards, up to a maximum of GBP 30,000, contributing towards course fees.


  • Students enrolled in Executive MBA are eligible.
  • Students should have Academic excellence.
  • Students must show how their background will enhance the diversity of the cohort.
  • Preference will be given to candidates who can effectively demonstrate how they will enhance the learning experience of the cohort through the diverse experience they have accumulated to date.


Application Process:

Students must submit a complete Executive MBA application and upload a supporting statement to the university to be eligible for the scholarship.

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