Believe in Youth Letter Writing Campaign 2024

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Udaan Youth Club

Udaan, Street 1, Tyodhi, Uttar Pradesh, 250611, India
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The Believe in Youth Letter Writing Campaign is open now. It is a heartfelt initiative to honor Princess Diana’s legacy by encouraging people worldwide to write letters of encouragement to young individuals in their lives. Princess Diana was known for her deep compassion, belief in the power of youth, and dedication to making the world a better place. Through this campaign, UYC aims to continue her legacy by empowering young people to recognize their potential and take positive action in their communities.

Whether it's a child, student, volunteer, or a young community member, these letters should express belief in their abilities and inspire them to make a positive impact on the world. This campaign aims to strengthen community bonds, foster intergenerational communication, and empower the youth by believing in their potential. Outstanding letters will be published on UYC’s official social media, and participants will receive a certificate of recognition.

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  • Empower young people by expressing belief in their potential.
  • Honor Princess Diana’s legacy on the 27th anniversary of her passing.
  • Participate in a global movement for positive change.
  • Outstanding letters will be published on UYC’s official social media, tagging the participants.
  • All participants will receive a certificate of recognition.
  • Educational institutions and youth organizations that participate will receive certificates of appreciation.
  • Teachers and community leaders are encouraged to write collective letters, which can be displayed prominently within their institutions.


  • Open to all individuals, community leaders, public servants, youth organizations, NGOs, educational institutions, and similar groups worldwide.
  • No age or region restrictions.
  • Institutions are encouraged to become impact partners and organize this campaign on their campuses.


How to Participate

  • Write a handwritten letter to a young person you know, expressing your belief in their potential to change the world.
  • For educational institutions: Encourage all teachers to write a collective letter individually and display it in classrooms or a dedicated space on campus.
  • Submit the letters by scanning or photographing them and sending them to UYC through the provided submission link.
  • Youth organizations, NGOs, and other institutions can organize this campaign within their communities, similar to the terms for educational institutions.

Submission Link:

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