Align Scholarships in New Zealand 2024-25

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Align Farms

249 Boltons Road, Ealing , Ealing , 7773, New Zealand
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The Align Scholarships in New Zealand are open to all nationals. It is offered for a Bachelor's degree in the field of Agriculture. The deadline for sending an application is 01 Oct 2024. This scholarship is provided by Align Farms. 

Align Farms is committed to building the next generation of farmers. The Align Farms Agriculture Scholarship is part of that commitment.

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The scholarship pays for one year’s tuition fees, worth $5,000.


  • Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students.
  • Applicants may come from any nationality.
  • Applicants must not receive the government’s first-year fee-free scheme in the year following the awarding of the scholarship.
  • Students must be enrolled in a Food and Fibre-related undergraduate program in New Zealand.
  • Students who are children of Align employees are given first consideration.
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